林关宁, 博导 |
Lin, Guan Ning PhD |
林关宁,教授,博士生导师。 美国贝勒大学计算机科学学士和硕士学位;美国密苏里大学信息学博士。随后在美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校UCSD从事博士后研究。于2016年加盟上海交通大学。 主要从事用计算赋能精神心理疾病的探索:包括大数据研究疾病进化,精神疾病的分子诊断,临床诊断辅助系统开发和医学AI大模型等相关的研究与教学。
主持国家自然科学基金外国优秀青年学者研究基金,国家自然科学基金面上、国家重点研发计划子课题等项目。入选2016年的上海市教委“上海市东方学者(特聘教授)。 现任“生物医学工程学进展”杂志执行副主编。中国计算机学会专委委员,上海市生物医学工程学会-骨关节专委会委员,IEEE BIBM、ICBBS、CBC等生物信息学国际会议委员及评审专家。 近年来通讯成果已在 Nature Human Behaviour, Science Advances, Genome Biology, Neuron,Nature Communication,Research,Briefings in Bioinformatics 等多个国际高水平杂志上发表。
Dr. Guan Ning Lin is an Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). He received his Bachelor and Master degree in Computer Science from Baylor University, USA, and his Ph.D. degree of Bioinformatic from University of Missouri-Columbia, USA. He then did his postdoctoral training in Department of Psychiatry in School of Medicine from University of California, San Diego until 2016.
The main effort of his research has been the development and application of new analytic methods that elucidate the underlying biological mechanisms using -omic data in the brain, permitting integration of genomic and genetic data with phenotype data on a large scale.
Current research projects include:
1) integrative analysis on high throughput data to investigate disease pathways and find biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment in neuropsychiatric disorders;
2) developing prediction tools and modeling methods based on multi-modal data using deep learning;
3) construction of online clinical decision systems for mental disorders;
4) investigating nature selection and human behavior influences on human phenotypic selections, including neuropsychiatric traits, etc.