On 2020-05, Professor Lin has been awarded The outstanding teaching award of Shanghai Jiaotong University"
(新闻报道 SJTU_BME, BioArt, iNature)
Our paper "A comparison framework and guideline of clustering methods for mass cytometry data" has been accepted by Genome Biology. (Dec 2019)
Our paper "PsyMuKB: An Integrative De Novo Variant Knowledge Base for Developmental Disorders" has been accepted by GPB (Genomics, Proteomics & Bioinformatics). (Nov 2019)
weblink: http://www.psymukb.net/
Wang Weidi received a Shanghai mental health center support for her project "Genetic overlap study between OCD and anorexia". (Nov 2019)
Wang Weidi has been awarded as a recipient of Grant for Young Clinical Reasercher of Shanghai Mental Health Center. (Oct 2019)
Wang Weidi's paper has been accepted as a short paper in BIBM conference, which will be held at San Diego, USA in Nov 2019. She will also present her work as an oral presentation at the BIBM conference. (Nov 2019)
Dr. Lin received a four-year grant from NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China). (August 2019)
Dr. Lin received a Medical-Enginering Interdisciplinary grant as a co-PI from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. (August 2019)
Postdoc fellow Jiang Xue's both paper have been accepted to give oral presentations at International Conference On Intelligent Computing (ICIC) conference in Nanchang, China on Aug. 2019.
Dr. Lin received a support from Shanghai Key Laboratory of Psychotic Disorders Open Grant (No: 13dz2260500). (July 2019)
Our paper published in Frontiers in Genetics.
The IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM)作为生物信息学领域的重要国际会议之一,被中国计算机学会CCF评定为前沿、交叉学科B类会议。
Song, Weichen's paper has been accepted as the regular paper in BIBM conference, which will be held at Madrid, Spain in Dec 2018. He will also present his work as an oral presentation at the BIBM conference. (Oct 2018)
Dr. Lin received a two-year grant from Innovation Research Plan supported by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (ZXWF082101). (July 2018)
State Key Laboratory of Shanghai Mental Health Center has successfully held the 1st Annual iron-man experimental skill competition series. And Dr. Lin acted as one of the competition judges. (Jan 2018)
Dr. Lin received a three-year grant from National Key Research and Development Program of China as the co-PI (No: 2017YFC0909202). (June 2017)
Our paper published in Bioinformatics.
Our paper published in Methods Mol Biol.
Professor Xu of University of Missouri came to visit and gave lectures about big data and translational medicine. (June 19th,2017)
Dr. Lin received a four-year grant from NSFC (National Natural Science Foundation of China). (August 2016)
Dr. Lin has been awarded as the recipient of The Program for Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning (No.1610000043). (April 2016)